
Join the PLA


The Province Lake Association (PLA) is an organization of area property owners, friends and visitors who love this lake and share the mutual interest of maintaining the quality of the lake and the immediate surroundings.  The Association was established to educate, communicate and coordinate with its members and the community what is and can be done to protect, preserve and improve the quality of both Province Lake and the wildlife and habitat associated with the lake. We believe that collectively we are better able to recognize and respond to issues as they arise.

Membership in the PLA is open to anyone with similar interests by completing a brief membership form and paying their annual dues.  Click here to join.   The by-laws of the organization my be viewed by clicking here ….PLA ByLaws July 2018 Approved

PLA is a 501(c)3 charitable organization and as such all donations are tax deductible to the full extent allowed by lawOur EIN is 23-7337832


Maintaining a healthy lake requires ongoing vigilance by all.  The primary activity that the PLA can do to accomplish the mission is to educate, train, coordinate programs and communicate with volunteers, members, and the community on how they can help.

Together we are able to discuss solutions and take preventative measures for current and potential problems. It is a core value of all PLA members to protect and enhance the quality of the lake and the surrounding habitat both today and for future generations to enjoy.  As with all lakes in NH, there is the constant threat to the lake of invasive weeds (e.g. milfoil), invasive animals (e.g. Asian clams), and of chemical and other pollutants entering the lake.

Please note that the NH DES is the responsible party for issuing cyanobacteria alerts and actions. As an educational and information organization, the PLA does not create or enforce any rules, codes, or laws. We strive to educate the users of Province Lake on current conditions. It is the responsibility of each lake user to make his/her own decision regarding utilization of the lake at any time. The PLA accepts no responsibility for conditions that cyanobacteria exposure may cause.

On-going activities that PLA is currently sponsoring and engaged in are:

Lake Host – welcoming boaters to the lake, providing a courtesy inspection, and educating them and supplying information on how to prevent invasive weeds from entering our lake.

Weed watcher – trained individuals examine weeds in the lake looking for any invasive problem weeds, and providing analysis of weeds to anyone with questions.  We also train future volunteers to become weed watchers.

Lake Level – the PLA owns and operates the flow control device (dam) that controls the height of the water in Province Lake.

Water quality – taking water samples several times a year from the lake, tributaries and outlet and supplying those samples to the UNH Lakes Lay Monitoring Program (LLMP). Also responsible for conducting other tests such as water clarity, dissolved oxygen levels and cyanobacteria monitoring.  The NH DES is the responsible party for issuing cyanobacteria alerts and actions. As an educational and information organization, the PLA does not create or enforce any rules, codes, or laws. We strive to educate the users of Province Lake on current conditions. It is the responsibility of each lake user to make his/her own decision regarding utilization of the lake at any time. The PLA accepts no responsibility for conditions that cyanobacteria exposure may cause.

Discussion & Education Forum – attendance at the annual meeting (or phone calls to one of the officers) provides the opportunity to meet those that share your lake, learn what is going on with the lake, and to voice any concerns or potential problems.

Watershed Management Plan – funded in part by a NH DES Grant, the association is currently participating in an extensive study to identify potentially harmful water quality  issues and recommend mitigation.  As part of the Plan, the PLA is also providing training and educational materials on how members and the community can make a difference to the quality of the lake.

Fundraising General operating funds are primarily raised via our membership drives through out the year.   To supplement this, we sell logo merchandise that gives us a percent of the revenues.  These monies are used for Water Quality sampling/testing, Lake Host Payroll and other administrative costs of the association.  In addition, we are in direct communication with the towns of Wakefield and Effingham to secure funding specifically for our Lake Host program to keep Province Lake invasive free.  On a larger scale, we also work with our partner the Acton Wakefield Watersheds Association (AWWA) to obtain grant monies in support of our Watershed Management Plan as defined above.

Beaver monitoring – monitoring and professional removal of beavers when required from the South River, so that Province Lake is maintained at the state recommended level, and homeowners’ properties are not flooded.

Local government liaison – provide program coordination (Lake Host, Watershed Management, etc.), and lake status updates to the towns of Wakefield, Effingham, and Parsonsfield.

Website, social media & Newsletters – our PLA website, Facebook page and quarterly newsletters provide lake and lake association information and educational materials to members and the general public.

Organizational Membership – the PLA is an organizational member of the NH Lakes Association and the Acton-Wakefield Watersheds Alliance for the purposes of sharing environmental and water quality related information to assist Province Lake in maintaining a healthy lake.

The Province Lake Association presently has more than 100 families as members.  An elected Executive Committee of officers and directors manages the affairs of the association.  Volunteers are always needed to assist with various initiatives. The success of these initiatives is a direct result of active participation by many members.