The Province Lake Association is a non-profit, volunteer organization that relies on the donations of its members to function. Additional contributions above the annual dues of $25 are always welcome, just indicate the amount on the form and thank you. Also, if your employer offers a matching gift program, please let them know of your donation to us. There are two ways for you to become a member of the Province Lake Association.
First, you can click on the following link (in blue) and print, fill out the membership form and mail with your payment to the address on the form.
Second, you can fill out the electronic form below and hit the submit button. Your membership will be activated upon receipt of dues either through the mail or via paypal. Should you want to pay via paypal, you will need to click on the Donate button at the top of this page after you have completed your membership form below.
To donate directly to the Province Lake Association, please click the “Donate” Button at the top or side of the page, and Thank You Very Much!