Hi all,
The Acton Wakefield Watersheds Alliance (AWWA) and Province Lake Association have successfully applied for and received another New Hampshire 319 Grant to help protect the water quality of Province Lake. Section 319 of the Clean Water Act allows the EPA to grant funds to states and local organizations to maintain clean and healthy water bodies, or address specific water quality issues. As a local organization with a full-time technical staff, AWWA acquires these grants on behalf of local lake associations, and helps to implement projects on the lake.
This 319 grant funds a variety of water quality projects and programs. First, if you are experiencing erosion on your lakefront property, AWWA will conduct a free site visit and develop a landscape plan to address erosion. The grant provides funding for AWWA’s Youth Conservation Corps to install stormwater landscape designs on lakefront properties. Homeowners need only purchase the required materials and the labor is free. This is an affordable, lake-friendly landscaping alternative that benefits the lake and protects your shoreline.
This grant also includes a septic system cost-share replacement program. Old and undersized septic systems are a major source of Phosphorus in the lake. If you think your septic system needs replacement call AWWA or visit their website to apply for cost-share funding. Four homeowners will receive up to $4,600 each to be used toward their septic system replacements. These are prioritized based on water quality impact and first come first served so please apply today or call AWWA to see if you qualify.

AWWA Contact Info:
(p) 603 473 2500