Hi All,

While we all are getting ready for the summer season and cleaning up our beaches etc., we thought we should remind you all and/or educate you all to the fact that you need a permit to put new sand on your beach or if you want to build a new perched beach, you need one for that as well.  Sand can only be replenished with a permit every 6 years and the sand can’t be added below the high water mark.

Here is a link to two NH DES info documents in regards to all this.  Beach Sand and Beach Permitting In addition, here is a link to the wetlands section of NH DES that has a lot of information for you on beaches, docks, structures, permitting etc..

As you all should be very well aware, we struggle with cyanobacteria blooms in Province Lake.  The biggest contributor to that is the excess phosphorus we have in the lake and one of the major contributors to the phosphorus is sand and dirt running into the lake.  As such, it is critical that we all do as much as we can to avoid sand and dirt runoff into the lake.

Thanks for your assistance in maintaining and improving the quality of the lake, and happy fathers day to all the fathers out there.