PLA Membership and Province Lake Community,

We wanted to share this video recording of the first in a series of webinar events related to the NH Cyanobacteria Plan, Statewide Strategy.  After the summer of 2023 this is obviously a topic of great interest to the PLA Board and our membership.  

There are several legislative actions related to this strategy and they are all related to the reduction of nutrient inputs into NH lakes.  There is $1,000,000 in funding for shovel-ready projects related to targeted reductions in sources of phosphorus.

An already existing PLA Cyanobacteria Subcommittee will schedule a meeting with the NH DES to go over our wish list and how we can take advantage of this available funding.

Please take time to watch this video and educate yourself on the challenges we are facing.  The sobering reality is there is no quick fix and this will be potentially a long process in which we will all need to take part.  The PLA will continue to keep you informed of any developments that come about with our subcommittee. 

Here’s the link to the webinar


Thank you,

Jim Aiken 
Province Lake Association