We hope many of you can attend the Invasive Species event described in the attached. I believe most of you are aware that invasive species (particularly milfoil) can get into our lake and are already in some of the area lakes. Milfoil can grow in waters as deep as 16 to 17 feet (the maximum depth of Province lake). If it ever gets into Province Lake, we could never get rid of it. The milfoil issue is as much of a concern as the cyanobacteria blooms we have been having.
Even if you can’t attend the June session, we need your help to keep invasive species out of our lake. The PLA has a lake host program to inspect boats during peak hours at the launch ramp. We can’t afford paid lake hosts to cover the ramp all the times, so volunteers willing to inspect boats, even for a few hours over the summer, would be helpful. We also have a weed watch program that could use more volunteers to help inspect the lake once a month. More importantly, we need someone to be the weed watch program coordinator. Coordinator duties include: assuring we have a volunteer for each section of the shore, and getting regular feedback from those people.
Please, please, please .. if you are willing to help, the PLA and our Lake need you. To volunteer or discuss any of the above please e-mail president@provincelake.org or call 207-200-3234