In an effort to promote invasive weed awareness, PLA Weed Watcher Program Coordinators, Tucker Vye and Carl Davis, “planted” two plastic imitation exotic weeds in the lake and they were found!! Congratulations to Andrew Brown and Ryan Sears for keeping their eyes on the lake! They both received gift certificates to Blue Bay Seafood and Steak Restaurant.
For anyone that frequents this lake, it pays to notice something out of the ordinary. Keep an eye on the water, you could win too! Noticing a weed that is new to an area is vital to the health of our lake. It could save thousands of dollars if a real invasive weed is found or detected in the early stages before spreading.
See this link to the NH DES “Frightful 14” so you know what real invasive weeds to be looking for:
More prizes will be awarded so keep looking!
Below, Tucker Vye presenting Certificate to Andrew Brown.