3rd Annual Beach Clean Up a Success!

On Saturday the 27th of August 14 PLA members and Board members walked the length of Rte 153 and picked up garbage.  The results were as follows:

14 people for 2 hours

7 Board members and family:
Lorie Dunne
Jon Samuelson
Mindy Schuman Vye
Tucker Vye
Thom Townsend
Jan Townsend
Pete Dinger

7 PLA members and supporters:
Pat Benzing
Noel Cartwright
Shirley Cartwright
Larry Moody
Neil Rowe
Judy Skog
Larry Skog

Trash collected:
16 bags plus loose items
147 pounds
400 + pounds of broken cement blocks

Estimated total pounds 547

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Some Beauty on the Beach as the Trash was Collected

Some Beauty on the Beach as the Trash was Collected