Hello PLA Members,

We hope you are weathering this time of COVID-19 as best possible given the challenges and uncertainties it brings. The PLA Board believes health should be our primary focus and it would be best to have a virtual Annual Meeting this year. In light of that, we will not be meeting on Saturday, July 18 at Edge Lake Farm. Although we will miss seeing you in person, we believe the virtual meeting approach will accommodate as many as possible and meet all our goals while providing you with the information that is necessary to keep our organization and lake healthy and vibrant during this time.

As a first order of business, the Board is proposing the following slate of candidates for election to the 2020-2021 Board (PLA Slate of Officers attachment). As at the annual meeting, we are soliciting names of those who would like to be considered to serve on the Board – a virtual “from the floor” nomination that we typically do. To be nominated for a position on the PLA board, the nominee must be a member in good standing (i.e. current year dues paid by July 1) and meet the following expectations:

  1. Attend all official board meetings, typically four during May to September, and the Annual Meeting in July.
  2. Officers-perform duties normally associated with the position.
  3. Directors-act as advisory board and decision makers for various issues and expenditures that arise, lead one or more duties incumbent on the board during the year, and serve as contact with the lake community.

Please nominate names by Monday, July 6, 2020 to or

We will compile the final slate of candidates to be voted on. This vote, and the vote to approve the 2019 Annual Minutes (attached) will be done by Survey Monkey and will be sent only to current members (paid as of July 1, 2020). The Survey Monkey will be sent on July 10, 2020 and your vote must be received by July 15, midnight. 

The Board will share the result of these two votes and our annual reports by video recording for you to view at your convenience. It will be posted on our website on July 20, 2020. 

You may then submit any questions regarding the Annual Meeting to the Board by email to  or by Aug 1, 2020.  We will post the questions and answers on our website by Aug 8, 2020.  

We appreciate your patience and understanding during this time. Many thanks for your generous and continuing support as we move forward together. Have a great July 4th holiday and be well.

Lorie for the PLA