The PLA has been asked to share the following information regarding a Wakefield NEW Shore Land Department Proposal sponsored by Chuck Robbins of Wakefield.
The link below is information and an informal survey which will be used by Chuck to determine if a warrant article should be proposed to the Town to ‘create a separate department with people and equipment to combat all Wakefield lakes nutrient loading and erosion problems, as the Town does with all other departments to insure the health and safety of our unique town.’ Resident taxpayers will receive a mailing but Chuck would like input from all Wakefield taxpayers as well. You can submit your questions or response directly to Chuck at shorelandnewdepartment@gmail.com or mail your response to him at 271 Walsh Road, Sanbornville, NH 03872.
The PLA is not advocating for or against this proposal but we are sharing it so Wakefield folks can express their opinion and make their own decision on this matter. Thank you for your consideration,

Here is the Link.