Hello all,
If the rain would ever stop, maybe we can still have a summer. I can’t remember seeing the lake this high at this time of year. At any rate, as you all should know we will be having the Province Lake Association Annual Meeting on July 22nd at 9:00 at Edge Lake Farm at the golf course. So, mark your calendars if you haven’t already.
As in previous years, we will be voting on a few things at the meeting. Anyone is invited to attend the meeting, but only members can vote on any business needing votes. If you aren’t a member yet, you can join before the meeting at our website under the “About” tab. You can also join at the meeting itself. There are two specific items to be voted on.
First are the minutes from last year’s annual meeting which you can read on our website at this link ….
PLA Annual Meeting Minutes
Second we will be voting on Board members. The nominating committee of the Board has put together a list of 4 candidates that are current Board members looking to stay for another term. So that you have an idea of who these people are, you can read a short bio on them at this link …
2023 Board Bios
Nominees from the floor will also be considered at the meeting and should be prepared to discuss why they would like to be on the board etc..
That’s it for now, hope to see you there.