It doesn’t take long for the Loons to arrive once the ice is out. Soon after that they will pair up and start looking for a nest. That is the time we put the nest in the lake. Usually we try to get the nest in on or before Mother’s day. However, this year we were a little late (May 19th) as we needed to do some repairs to the old canopy which was worn out and resting low on the nest. We contacted the Loon Center and they sent out a biologist and made the necessary repairs on May 17th. The new canopy is much higher so the Loons should not be picking at it.
The repaired loon nest is almost ready to be placed.
Once we have the nest in the water we then search the shoreline to collect natural nesting material – twigs, leaves, muck and some aquatic weeds. The material is then placed on the nest to try to make it easy for the Loons to make it their place/home.
Natural materials are added and we are ready to head out!
The Loons must sense something because every time we prepare the nest they happen to swim by and follow us. Once we have the nest ready to go, we tow it to it’s destination in the lake.
Off we go!
We place the nest approximately 100 yards out from the entrance of Hobbs Brook along with the stay away signs. We try to place the nest so boaters can safely go around the nest to travel up Hobbs Brook without disturbing it. We ask that you please stay as far away as possible so as not to disturb the loons. We can only hope that this year will yield a baby chic.
In place and ready …. Will this be the year?
If there are any concerns with Loon activity, do not hesitate to call us at – 603 539 4167.
See you on the Lake!
Steve and Mary Craig Province Lake Loon Monitors