PLA Members,

The cyanobacteria advisory for Province Lake has been lifted as of today (June 8th). The red cyanobacteria signs at public access points around the lake are being taken down.

A message from the NH DES:

“The cyanobacteria WARNING (ADVISORY) that was issued on 1 June 2023 has been REMOVED for Province Lake, Effingham/Wakefield as of today 8 June 2023. While the bloom accumulation has dissipated, NHDES advises that lake-goers look out for green surface accumulations in the future. Please continue to monitor your individual shoreline for changing conditions.”

The PLA Board


PLA Members,

The cyanobacteria blooms we have been monitoring since this past weekend have unfortunately worsened.

NHDES has now issued a cyanobacteria advisory for Province Lake.

Signs are being placed around the lake at all public access points.

The NHDES warning is as follows:

“A cyanobacteria WARNING (ADVISORY) has been issued for Province Lake, Effingham/Wakefield. The sample reviewed today had cyanobacteria (Dolichospermum) in concentrations up to 504,000 cells/mL in areas of highest observed accumulations. Advisories are issued when cell counts exceed 70,000 cells/mL. NHDES advises lake users to not wade or swim in the water during an advisory. Please also keep pets and livestock out. The advisory is not based on a toxin evaluation and is intended as a precautionary measure for short term exposure.  

NHDES will resample in a week. I will reach out to you before then for updates. If you have information on where accumulated material is being observed at that time, please let us know to guide our sampling efforts. Advisories remain active until the bloom subsides.”


The PLA Board


Unfortunately we are still seeing sporadic localized blooms at Province Lake and NH DES has reissued a local alert.

They write …

Hi All,

Province Lake has continued to have sporadic cyanobacteria blooms since NHDES lifted the advisory on 9/21/22. I am issuing a local alert, going into effect today, 10/3/22 to keep residents aware of the situation. Cyanobacteria bloom conditions can change rapidly, so it is best to be on the watch for developing conditions. Please see the attached alert document. NHDES will resample if bloom conditions persist on the water long enough for samples to be representative of current conditions.

This is not an official cyanobacteria advisory, and signs do not need to be posted. I will be in contact again if conditions change, and an official advisory is issued.  

Please forward to other residents / community members around the waterbody, and provide me with any contacts (first and last names, and emails) of folks who would want to be directly included on future communications from NHDES. 

Kate Langley Hastings
Cyanobacteria HAB Program Coordinator
Watershed Management Bureau, Water Division
New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services
29 Hazen Drive, P.O. Box 95, Concord, NH 03302-0095

Province Lake Alert Oct 3 2022


Hello PLA Members,

Recent NHDES testing found that Province Lake did not have any measurable bloom forming cyanobacteria present and decided to lift the cyanobacteria advisory today.  While that news was welcome our members have continued to see sporadic visual signs of a cyanobacteria bloom as recent as today 9/21/22.  We will be taking the red cyanobacteria warning signs down but NHDES guidance is to not go into the water if visual signs of a bloom are present.  It is particularly important to keep dogs and children out of the water when a bloom is observed.

The official press release can be read here.

Thank you,

Jim Aiken



Hi All,

A cyanobacteria advisory has been issued by NH DES for Province Lake as of late on September 7, 2022. The official press release is attached below. There also is an info poster attached for your reference. You all need to use caution and make your own determinations on whether to recreate in the lake. DES will sample again in a week to see if the advisory will stay in place. The picture below is from this morning Sept 8.

NH DES Press Release 09072022

NH DES Infographic Cyano


Hi All,

As you all should be aware, the Province Lake Association Annual Meeting will take place this coming Saturday the 23rd of July at 9:00 am at the Edge Lake Farm over at the golf course.

There will be a few items requiring a vote of the members.  Remember, you must be a member to vote.  So if you haven’t joined yet, you can join at the meeting itself.  On a couple of the items, we felt we should give you information in advance to read.  Those items are as follows:

The first item is for the Officers and Directors of the organization.  All the officer terms and several board member terms are expiring and need to be renewed or replaced.  In addition, we have a few open board positions we are proposing to fill.  We thought it would be helpful if we were to send some information about each nominee so that you have a feel for who they are.  As such below is a link to brief bios of all those to be voted on at the meeting.  Nominees from the floor will also be considered at the meeting and should be prepared to discuss why they would like to be on the board etc..

The second item to be voted on is the approval of last years (2021) annual meeting minutes.  You can review those before the meeting on our website at this link ……   They are the top bullet on the website page.

That’s it for now.  Hope to see you there.


2022 PLA Board Nominees Bios


We have several events for your calendar. 

Our Annual Meeting will be Saturday, July 23 at 9.00 at Edge Lake Farm (PLG). We hope you will be able to attend and look forward to seeing you there. We will send a reminder closer to the date.

We will have a Rt 153 beach clean up on Saturday, July 9 at 9.00.  It usually takes about an hour. We will meet near the entrance to the Donville Campground on Rt 153. Gloves and trash buckets/bags will be provided. Just bring yourself and the desire to help beautify our lakeshore following this coming weekend holiday. We will send a reminder closer to the date.

And remember, you can acquire PLA branded items to celebrate the holiday at

Have a wonderful July 4th celebration.



Hi All,

While we all are getting ready for the summer season and cleaning up our beaches etc., we thought we should remind you all and/or educate you all to the fact that you need a permit to put new sand on your beach or if you want to build a new perched beach, you need one for that as well.  Sand can only be replenished with a permit every 6 years and the sand can’t be added below the high water mark.

Here is a link to two NH DES info documents in regards to all this.  Beach Sand and Beach Permitting In addition, here is a link to the wetlands section of NH DES that has a lot of information for you on beaches, docks, structures, permitting etc..

As you all should be very well aware, we struggle with cyanobacteria blooms in Province Lake.  The biggest contributor to that is the excess phosphorus we have in the lake and one of the major contributors to the phosphorus is sand and dirt running into the lake.  As such, it is critical that we all do as much as we can to avoid sand and dirt runoff into the lake.

Thanks for your assistance in maintaining and improving the quality of the lake, and happy fathers day to all the fathers out there.