The Acton Wakefield Watersheds Alliance is hosting the US EPA CyanoMobile on July 27th on Lovell Lake. For more information, see the link below:
The Acton Wakefield Watersheds Alliance is hosting the US EPA CyanoMobile on July 27th on Lovell Lake. For more information, see the link below:
The Board members of the Province Lake Association are sad to announce the death of Joe Benzing this past Friday. Joe worked tirelessly, with his wife Pat, on the environmental stewardship of their landholdings and to make Province Lake a better place for future generations.
Tomorrow, June 28, a funeral service will be held at St. Matthews church in Limerick. A reception will follow from 1 to 3 PM at the Province Lake Golf Course.
Joe’s obituary and further information regarding services are below. You can also visit the Watson, Neal and York Funeral Home, Cornish, ME website.
Joseph C. Benzing of Province Lake in Parsonsfield, Maine died at age 75 on Friday, June 24, 2016, at the Barron Center in Portland, Maine after a prolonged and brave struggle with frontal lobe dementia. He was born in Portland, Maine on October 19, 1940, the son of Raymond and Constance (Constant) Benzing. His wife, Patricia Benzing, was at his side, and his children, Adam Benzing, age 36, and daughter Christiane Benzing, age 34, were en route from Orlando, Florida where Adam has begun a medical residency and Naples, Italy where Christiane works on a command staff for the United States Navy.
Joe was a beloved and active citizen of town of Parsonsfield and the state of Maine. He served as selectman of Parsonsfield during the 1990’s. He played a leading role in 2001 as part of a group of concerned citizens who worked with The Nature Conservancy and the Maine Bureau of Parks and Lands to secure funding from Land for Maine’s Future to purchase a conservation easement on an 8,647 acre parcel of forest land in Parsonsfield known as the Leavitt Plantation. The easement ensures that the land will remain undeveloped and managed for sustainable forestry while it also remains open for public recreation.
A 1958 graduate of Phillips Exeter Academy and a 1962 graduate of the Annapolis Naval Academy, Joe served in the United States Navy, 1962-1967. In 1969, Joe earned a Masters’ in Business Administration from Harvard Business School and worked as a business manager, first at Waterville Valley Ski Resort and, subsequently, at Atlantic Antibodies, a biomedical research company.
Later in life, Joe served as moderator at Parsonsfield town meetings, he served on the board of directors of Parsonsfield Seminary, and, on two occasions, after earning a Master Captain’s License, he captained The Africa Mercy Ship, the largest non-governmental hospital ship in the world. He worked on a Mobil oil ship, on tankers in New York and as a volunteer captain for the Lightship 112 Nantucket, a floating sentinel, part of a lifeline that played an important role in the development of our country and part of our maritime heritage. Joe served as a volunteer on the Russian Tall Ship Sedov on its return trip from Boston to Liverpool, England.
Throughout his adult lifetime in Parsonsfield, Joe gave himself to the stewardship of the landholdings of his parents which he expanded into Province Line Associates. He served on the executive committee of the National Tree Farm Association, was a member of the New Hampshire and Maine Tree Farm Associations, and, in 2000, was named (along with his wife, Patricia) Outstanding Tree Farmer of York County by the Maine Tree Farm Committee.
A funeral Mass will be held on Tuesday, June 28, at 10 a.m. at St. Matthew’s Catholic Church, 19 Dora Lane, Limerick, ME. Burial with U.S. Naval Military Honors will follow at Lakeview Cemetery, Old Portland Road, Freedom, NH. From 1:00-3:00, a reception will be held at the Province Lake Golf Club Restaurant, 18 Mountain Road, Parsonsfield, Maine.
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to: Friends of Par-Sem, PO Box 163, Parsonsfield, ME. 04047 or to: Province Lake Association, PO Box 24, Effingham, NH. 03882.
If you are a fishing person, take note of the two articles at the links below and spread the word to your fellow anglers. It could cost you $250 if you don’t follow the new law.
The Towle Farm Community Corporation (TFCC) is the owner of the only public boat launch ramp at Province Lake. The ramp is located on Bonnyman Road in East Wakefield, NH. For over 60 years, TFCC has made this ramp available for public use free of charge.
The TFCC is a non-profit homeowners association with 45 supporting property owners who, through their dues, maintain the boat launch area including the expenses of taxes, liability insurance and maintenance. These costs have quadrupled over time and TFCC is seeking donations from the public in an effort to offset these ever-increasing costs associated with a ramp used by the public.
TFCC will conduct a boat launch donation drive at the ramp two weekends a year. The first donation drive will be the last weekend in May and the second during the first weekend in September or Labor Day Weekend. Our goal is to raise a minimum of $2,000 per year. The suggested donation amount is $20.00. A ramp information flyer and a receipt will be provided to each donor at the time of donation.
Anyone missing these weekend campaigns that wishes to make a donation is encouraged to do so by sending their check to:
Attention Golfers:
Looking for a great golf event and a chance to win big prizes this Saturday…. and support the lake erosion control projects at the same time?
It is not too late to sign up for the 7th Annual Towle Farm (TF) Golf Outing.
Shotgun Scramble Start at 7:30 AM with lunch and awards at noon. Entrance fee is $100 per person.
All funds raised go towards the Towle Farm Road Erosion Control project that greatly helps Province Lake waters.
Another TF fundraiser of interest is the Silent Auction and Penny Sale – also at the Province Lake Golf Course on Saturday August 29th from 7 to 10 PM.
To register for the golf event or for more information please email Bill Kane at
Hi Neighbors,
Summer is approaching fast, and for that we are all grateful. With the increased usage of the lake come responsibilities. We all need to contribute to protect it’s purity. I am referring here to the lack of invasive weeds.
This year we will have a monthly “patrol’ of the lakeshore to look for new or changing weed patterns. Weed watching is but one of many methods that the PLA is engaged in to maintain our weed free condition. Given that there are 11.2 miles of shoreline, we need to share the weed watching duties. I am currently recruiting volunteers who would be willing to survey a section of shoreline on a monthly basis and report in to me about their findings.
I hope to have enough interest from the entire lake community to be able to assign each volunteer the area in front of, or at least close to, your property. That should make it the most convenient for us all. The survey is general done by boat and usually takes approximately an hour (if we have adequate interest).
Having done this before, Donna and I have made this into a routine we do early in the morning, enjoying the peace and tranquility of the lake. It is also much easier to see into the lake and view the weeds when it is calm. After a few “weed watching rides” you become very familiar with the existing weed growths and the survey becomes routine. For any of you that want to volunteer, but are unsure of weed types, we at the PLA will be happy to train what to look for.
Reporting in will be done via Email (or phone if email is not available), so that portion will be quick and easy. The hope is that each volunteer will, in general, survey the lake in front of about 10 to 12 properties, or about 1000 feet of frontage. That may sound like a lot, but it can be done quickly. Of course, if we can get participation, the survey we each do will be minimized.
There are a few key areas we really need to focus on and those are where public use occurs. The boat launch on Bonnyman Rd., Route 153 beach area and Province Shores Campground are the most critical. If you can do any of those areas, please let me know.
Please Email or phone me with your interest and where you would prefer to survey. I will put a plan together and respond back. Thanks for your interest and participation.
Carl Davis 539-3344
Mark your calendars! The 2014 Annual Meeting has been scheduled for July 19, 2014 from 9am to noon at Province Lake Golf. In addition, this will be the final Watershed Plan Public Meeting, the entire community is invited. The Province Lake Association wants to again thank Province Lake Golf for their support of the association by offering us their facility for our meeting. We encourage all that golf to please also support the golf course.
The 2013 Annual Meeting minutes as well as the Watershed Plan presentation done by FB Environmental are now available by clicking the “News” button and then the “PLA Annual Meeting Minutes” button from the Home page on the website or by clicking here.
DATE: July 19, 2013
CONTACT: Sonya Carlson (603) 271-0698 or (603) 419-9229
Concord, NH – The cyanobacteria cell concentration in Province Lake, Effingham, NH, is below a level of public health concern. As a result, the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (DES) has removed the cyanobacteria lake warning issued on July 11, 2013.
Areas examined today, July 19, 2013, included areas along Bonnyman Point, Bailey & Remick Roads. The growth has been reduced to small specks throughout the water column, but the overall concentration of cyanobacteria in the samples collected was low. However, once a bloom has been seen in a lake, that lake is more likely to have future blooms. Please continue to monitor your individual shoreline for changing conditions and avoid any large amounts of growth in the water.
DES routinely monitors public beaches and public waters of the state for cyanobacteria. Cyanobacteria are natural components of water bodies worldwide, but blooms and surface scums may form when excess phosphorus is available to the water. Some cyanobacteria produce toxins that are stored within the cells but released upon cell death. Toxins can cause both acute and chronic health effects that range in severity. Acute health effects include irritation of skin and mucous membranes, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Chronic effects include liver and central nervous system damage.
Visit the DES Beach Program website for photos and more information about cyanobacteria at
Updates on advisories and warnings may be obtained at
Follow the Beaches twitter feed:
If you notice anything resembling cyanobacteria, please refrain from wading, swimming, or drinking the water. Keep all pets out of the water and contact DES immediately. Please call DES to report a cyanobacteria bloom at (603) 419-9229